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International Business Course 2019: Trinity

· One min read
Trinity logo

The International Business Course is a week long study trip to an European country with visits to several companies and universities. For this edition we went to the beautiful city of Dublin, where we visited companies such as Google and Facebook. I organized this event together with a group of five other people.

Here you can find a backup of the original site used to promote the business course, both as website and as Github archive:

Pandora 2017: Financial Solutions

· 2 min read
Pandora logo

Pandora is a five-day puzzle hunt on the campus of the University of Twente by Inter-Actief members. Solving puzzles in teams and killing off members of rivaling teams grants points. Every evening a meeting will take place on campus in which information is provided to aid your quest. In addition, the story (which relates to the edition's theme) progresses every time through acting.

Participants of Pandora receive a weapon from the organization, which can be used to take care of fellow participants. Furthermore, participants have to solve puzzles with the hints that are hidden all over campus.

The first meeting (after which Pandora will take off) always takes place on the Monday evening. The location and time will be timely announced by the organization. There is a participation fee to finance weapons, among others. Before Pandora, the theme and committee will be revealed during the Pandora Hype Drink. During this drink registration opens and the pregame starts as well. The pregame is a warming-up for Pandora, a game which differs from year to year.

Here you can find a backup of the original site used to promote Pandora, both as website and as Github archive: